I am excited to share Stella Valle with you today! These sisters have really made the most of their military training, but not in the way you would expect. Find out all about them here and be sure to shop their designs in my shop!
Sisters Ashley Jung and Paige Dellavalle, knew their experience as West Point military cadets and U.S. Army Officers didn’t make them the most obvious choices as chic arbiters of style. While they donned the drab, olive, camouflage fatigues that came with military life, their vision for life after the military remained lucid. Founded in 2009, Stella Valle reflects the designers’ pursuit to live out their lifelong aspirations in fashionn and design despite their unique past. Capitalizing on their military background, they fused their mechanical training with a strong, diverse aesthetic sense — And with the desire to create a brand that represented their innate sense of style and unique background – came Stella Valle.
You may have seen Stella Valle on Shark Tank, QVC , (I LOVE SHARK TANK!) The View or in the pages of your favorite magazine!
Maybe you can find the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day!
Follow on twitter @abcsharktank @stellavallenyc @robinavidor

Here are the girls in the press!