Mom is really 80 now. she’s been claiming to be 80 for quite some time but on Nov 9th she hit this momentous milestone! Happy Birthday mom!! she gives advice and shares her wisdom, generally after she does we laugh and she says “put that on your blog!”
So just off the top of my head, quickly this morning, I thought I would share two of them with you!
On a recent Saturday morning, we spend every Saturday together, (and morning to mom means anything after 2 pm, she likes to sleep late) I asked her if she had been eating the last few days? She thought, and thought and thought and then quite seriously and proudly announced ..
“I’m alive so I must be eating.!! ”
OK, there is some wisdom, nowhere else to go with that one, end of conversation!
And another little gem, same scenario, driving to go shopping, Saturday “morning” . We got into a little hot discussion about how she needs a little support these days from Bylli and I, (that’s my main bro’s code name!)she argued that she doesn’t need any help at all. She was pissed. I explained it wasn’t a bad thing, that we love her and are there for her. We want her to be able to keep her independence, so we work hard to support the effort. She quieted down for a minute, deep thought….pondering… then asked me quite seriously,
“but why do you try so hard to keep me alive?”
I shot her the look, we had a good laugh, she said, there’s another one for your blog!!
You gotta love her!
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