I’ve been published……

I’ve been published……

along with everyone else, and they spelled my name wrong.

BUT what a thrill!


Here it is….

“Nothing brings more joy

Than live music in the sun

Warms my merry soul


Ps: See Billy, writing haikus for you when you were in college paid off!! Well, not paid, buy you know…. xo r



Escape 2 NY

Ok,so now i am cool calm and collected. I have put all of the negative stuff ” in the dumpster”. (i wish i could remember which band i keep quoting from the gathering of the vibes fest 2011, putting “it” in the dumpster has been immensley helpful this summer!)

Looking back at some of my photos brings back some of the true awesomeness i experienced this past weekend at escape 2 ny. If my ipad would only let me post them easily on my blog i would, but i cant figure it out so if u wanna see em go to my facebook page.( any posting advice is welcome)

When we arrived friday evening there werent too many people there yet. Didnt matter a bit to me, i was there for one thing, to see Patti Smith again. But we had a few hours to kill so we started to discover the place we were devoted to and thrilled to be spending the next three days at. It took time to take in all of the interesting art installations, food and merch vendors. The Heineken went very well with this task! I like to take it all in by doing a once over and then going back to spend time where my interest is caught. I was perusing the scene, thinking about what i might want to further explore. The Bobbi Brown Cosmetics booth caught my eye, but it was vacant, figured i had to wait a bit longer for it. The feather hair extensions seemed a must as did the henna tattoos (those who have followed me know my real tattoo long term Plan). There were several food booths and the prices seemed quite reasonable. We mosied on over to the reservation side to find some authentic Indian food and craft vendors. Now this really peaked my interest. Fried bread with cheese, meat or fruit…mmmmmm. While over there i found a dj booth and raised dance floor. People were already dancing on it! Finally it was time to pee and WOW, OMG, WTF, I witnessed something i hadn’t been privy to at any other fest i’d attended. It was a beautiful, airconditioned, paneled and fake granite bathroom on wheels. Now this was nice, now i knew i was in the hamptons! Come to pass, there were many of them on the grounds. True awesomeness! They even had pretty rugs in them! Yahoo!
Next we hit up Jack’s Stir Brew acoustic stage and some more Heineken!We ate some strange asian pulled pork with asian coleslaw on it, although not my favorite, it was an interesting culinary experience. While we sat and ate we listened to Sonia Montez sing her little heart out. There was a bit of a sound problem, the main stage drowned her out, almost completely while she sang alone on stage. I felt so bad for her. A bit later a strange yet oddly interesting BP Fallon hit the stage. The more i watched the more i liked! Check him out at www.bpfallon.com. Before i knew it he was doing a full out GLORIA, it was so cool and original. I couldnt tear myself away. But Patti was getting ready to rock. Across the field we
ran, through the crowds, to the front of the stage and behold, there she was, there they
were!and they delivered as always! Some high lights were patti’s tributes to jerry garcia and amy winehouse and od course fred sonic smith. Patti really convinces u that fred is still there with her all of the time. She also sang helpless by neil young. Quite a treat!then the show was over, no encore, just over. It wasnt clear to the audience that the night was young, there were 2 dance tents to party in all night. The crowd thinned, a lot. If i would have known better i would have rallied the crowd to dance on over to tent and dance all night! Oh well, maybe next year!
My coverage of saturday to follow……
Xo r




Escape 2 NY – Event Planning 101

Due to piss poor planning Escape 2 New York has been cancelled and their guests have been asked to leave. Well I’ve never!! Lol. What a joke. I think the event planners have to go back to PLANNING 101. Half hour ago i was working with the Huffington Post to get a drum set for the event, next thing it aint happenin. Like I said, Event Planning 101 is in order before u attempt to plan anything else.
Thanks for a sh***y ending to a great weekend.
As always, xo r



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