I just love new innovative products! Look at the perfect fit this Amarte Skincare Eyeconic eye cream dispenser has to my eye area. You can get this cream exactly where you need it.
I always have trouble getting into the section in the picture, but they have designed this precisely to get the eye cream where it’s needed. It also feels good to just gently massage under your eye with the tip and work the retinol in. I love that! Check out the close-ups of the dispenser.
I’m so happy that they gifted this to me to try out and that I can share it with you. The results are really awesome. I mean for my age and with my skin has been through, I think this cream is really helping those fine lines fade away. I am using it on my upper lip as well, anywhere I see fine lines!
The retinol in it is effective with no adverse side effects at all. It’s all good!

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